
Showing posts from April, 2016

Sobre los Millenials

Descripción gráfica de la generación millenial Nunca he sido amigo de las siglas que pretenden clasificar a un grupo de personas bajo una serie de parámetros vacíos de contenido. No cabe duda de que nos encontramos en la época de los acrónimos, múltiples combinaciones de letras que buscan agrupar bajo un mismo concepto una serie elementos/personas que comparten unas características comunes. Estos acrónimos están presentes en todos los ámbitos, desde la economía: BRICS, MINTS, etc..., la política o incluso la sociología. Sin embargo, hoy me quería detener en lo que se denomina como la generación Millenial o Generación Y.  

5 lessons I learned in Senegal

Senegal joyful kids It's already been 2 weeks since I came back from Senegal, and I consider it has probably been one of the most intense travels in my life. I had been looking forward to visit Africa for a long time, and Senegal was probably my first inside perspective into it .The two other countries I had visited: South Africa or Morocco , the country where I live right now,  are just the gates offering you a slight taste of a continent full of contrasts and diversity. Since I first arrived to Dakar, travelling from Casablanca I quickly noticed the big difference since I went outside and saw a bunch of taxi drivers craving in an aggressive way so I took a taxi with them. Thanks god, I had already arranged to meet a taxi driver that was supposed to pick me up. I had already been told that in Senegal, just like in Morocco, you were supposed to bargain in every single moment, " don't take anything for granted " they told me, " Bear in mind you alw...