5 lessons I learnt from the #StartupAfricasummit

In the #StartupAfricasummit 2016 in Casablanca When you start thinking about Africa , there are always a few common prejudices that come to your mind, basically everything related to violence, poverty, ethnic cleasing or corruption . I cannot blame on you for that particular reason, as this is what the average western citizen sees on the news everytime he decides to turn on his TV. But Africa, despite all its struggles, is much more than that, and unfortunatelly most of the great news coming from this part of the World remain unknown. However, thanks to a valuable number of commited people, there are more and more blogs and websides offering a more optimistic vision on what is happening on the "forgotten" continent. A clear example on this are blogs like this one , giving a whole panoramic analysis on the African continent for spanish speaking people. In some anglosaxon or french-speaking blogs, there are also many options to follow the exciting changes that are t...